通过LAB了解SRv6基本概念、SRv6 BE、SRv6 TE Policy、SRv6 TE Flow Group工作机制、基本配置。
2.1 实验拓扑
2.2 数据准备
2.2.1 IPv4/IPv6地址
2.2.2 SRv6 SID 地址
2.2.3 VPN规划
三、 实验内容
SRv6 BE测试
SRv6 TE Policy测试
SRv6 TE Flow Group测试
4.1 端口基础配置
Sysnam PE1
int lo0
ipv6 enable
ip add 32
ipv6 add 2001:1::1 128
int ether3/0/0
ipv6 enable
ip add 24
ipv6 add 2001:12::1 64
int ether3/0/1
ipv6 enable
ip add 24
ipv6 add 2001:13::1 64
display ip interface brief
display ipv6 interface brief
4.2 ISIS基础配置
ISIS路由器的network-entity(xx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.00)可自行定义,这里采用loopback0地址填充为system id,比如loopback地址是192.168.1.1,则系统ID:1921:6800:1001。
isis 100
is-level level-2
cost-style wide
network-entity 49.0001.1921.6800.1001.00
is-name PE1
ipv6 enable topology ipv6
int lo0
isis enable 100
isis ipv6 enable 100
int ether3/0/0
isis enable 100
isis ipv6 enable 100
isis circuit-type p2p
int ether3/0/1
isis enable 100
isis ipv6 enable 100
isis circuit-type p2p
display isis peer
display isis route
display ip routing-table
4.3 VPN基础配置
在PE设备上配置VPN实例并绑定到接入侧接口。同一个VPN实例下配置IPv4和IPv6 地址簇,允许VPN内IPv4和IPv6地址接入。
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:100 both evpn
route-distinguisher 100:1
vpn-target 100:100 both evpn
int ether 3/0/2
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip add 24
ipv6 enable
ipv6 add 172:10:1::1 64
ip vpn-instance vpn1
route-distinguisher 100:2
vpn-target 100:100 both evpn
route-distinguisher 100:2
vpn-target 100:100 both evpn
int ether 3/0/0
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip add 24
ipv6 enable
ipv6 add 172:20:1::1 64
display ip vpn-instance verbose
4.4 BGP基础配置
P2、P3配置为RR,设置RR Cluster ID 100。
采用Peer Group的配置形式。
bgp 100
undo default ipv4-unicast
group RR internal
peer RR connect-interface LoopBack0
peer 2001:2::1 as-number 100
peer 2001:2::1 group RR
peer 2001:3::1 as-number 100
peer 2001:3::1 group RR
l2vpn-family evpn
policy vpn-target
peer RR enable
peer 2001:2::1 enable
peer 2001:2::1 group RR
peer 2001:3::1 enable
peer 2001:3::1 group RR
ipv4-family vpn-instance vpn1
#将vpn端口直连路由引入为bgp vpnv4路由
import-route direct
#将vpnv4路由转为evpn type 5路由发布给evpn邻居
advertise l2vpn evpn
ipv6-family vpn-instance vpn1
import-route direct
advertise l2vpn evpn
bgp 100
undo default ipv4-unicast
group PE internal
peer PE connect-interface LoopBack0
peer 2001:1::1 as-number 100
peer 2001:1::1 group PE
peer 2001:4::1 as-number 100
peer 2001:4::1 group PE
l2vpn-family evpn
reflector cluster-id 100
undo policy vpn-target
peer PE enable
peer PE reflect-client
peer 2001:1::1 enable
peer 2001:1::1 group PE
peer 2001:4::1 enable
peer 2001:4::1 group PE
display bgp evpn peer
4.5 SRv6基础配置
4.5.1 配置SRv6 SID
配置SRv6 SID,在PE上配置EVPN Type5路由携带的End.DT4/End.DT6 SID。
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 2001:1::1
locator PE1 ipv6-prefix 3001:1:: 80 static 15 args 16
opcode ::10 end psp
opcode ::12 end-x interface ether 3/0/0 nexthop 2001:12::2 psp
opcode ::13 end-x interface ether 3/0/1 nexthop 2001:13::3 psp
opcode ::4001 end-dt4 vpn-instance vpn1 evpn
opcode ::6001 end-dt6 vpn-instance vpn1 evpn
opcode ::7001 end-op
#配置SRv6 TE Policy关联Segment Routing IPv6下的一个Locator,
#并在关联Locator范围内指定SRv6 TE Policy的Binding SID
srv6-te-policy locator PE1
#使能所有SRv6 TE Policy故障感知功能
srv6-te-policy path verification enable
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 2001:2::1
locator P2 ipv6-prefix 3001:2:: 80 static 15 args 16
opcode ::10 end psp
opcode ::21 end-x interface ether 3/0/1 nexthop 2001:12::1 psp
opcode ::23 end-x interface ether 3/0/0 nexthop 2001:23::3 psp
opcode ::24 end-x interface ether 3/0/2 nexthop 2001:24::4 psp
opcode ::7001 end-op
srv6-te-policy locator P2
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 2001:3::1
locator P3 ipv6-prefix 3001:3:: 80 static 15 args 16
opcode ::10 end psp
opcode ::31 end-x interface ether 3/0/1 nexthop 2001:13::1 psp
opcode ::32 end-x interface ether 3/0/0 nexthop 2001:23::2 psp
opcode ::34 end-x interface ether 3/0/3 nexthop 2001:34::4 psp
opcode ::7001 end-op
srv6-te-policy locator P3
segment-routing ipv6
encapsulation source-address 2001:4::1
locator PE4 ipv6-prefix 3001:4:: 80 static 15 args 16
opcode ::10 end psp
opcode ::42 end-x interface ether 3/0/2 nexthop 2001:24::2 psp
opcode ::43 end-x interface ether 3/0/3 nexthop 2001:34::3 psp
opcode ::4001 end-dt4 vpn-instance vpn1 evpn
opcode ::6001 end-dt6 vpn-instance vpn1 evpn
opcode ::7001 end-op
srv6-te-policy locator PE4
srv6-te-policy path verification enable
display segment-routing ipv6 locator verbose
display segment-routing ipv6 local-sid forwarding
display segment-routing ipv6 local-sid end forwarding
(ProtocolType: STATIC就是这里分配的)
4.5.2 配置ISIS发送SID
segment-routing ipv6 locator PE1命令解释:
配置locator-name参数后,IS-IS支持从配置的locator-name下引入静态的End和End.X SID。另外IS-IS支持End和End.X SID动态分配能力。如果配置auto-sid-disable参数,表示取消动态End和End.X SID分配,完全从指定的Locator下引入静态的End和End.X SID属性。
PE1配置,其他类似,注意locator name不同:
isis 100
segment-routing ipv6 locator PE1
display segment-routing ipv6 local-sid end forwarding
(ProtocolType: ISIS就是ISIS分配的)
dis isis lsdb is-name PE1 verbose
4.5.3 配置私网路由(即vpn路由)发送和迭代属性
使能私网路由上送EVPN协议时携带SID属性功能,通过bgp向远端PE发送end.dt4和end.dt6 sid。
segment-routing ipv6 locator PE1 evpn命令解释:
在EVPN L3VPN场景中,如果用户希望使用SRv6隧道承载业务流量,则需要配置segment-routing ipv6 locator evpn命令为将要发送的EVPN路由添加SID属性。对端BGP EVPN邻居在收到EVPN路由后,可以根据路由中的SID迭代SRv6隧道,从而生成转发表项。
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer best-effort evpn命令解释:
vpn流量迭代到SRv6 TE Policy隧道,SRv6 TE Policy隧道故障时业务可以使用SRv6 BE隧道作为逃生路径。
bgp 100
ipv4-family vpn-instance vpn1
segment-routing ipv6 locator PE1 evpn
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer best-effort evpn
ipv6-family vpn-instance vpn1
segment-routing ipv6 locator PE1 evpn
segment-routing ipv6 traffic-engineer best-effort evpn
dis bgp evpn all routing-table prefix-route 0:
4.5.4 配置BGP EVPN发送SRv6封装的EVPN路由
peer RR advertise encap-type srv6命令解释:
缺省情况下,BGP EVPN邻居之间仅会相互发布MPLS封装的EVPN路由。但是在EVPN over SRv6场景中,BGP EVPN邻居之间需要发布SRv6封装的EVPN路由,此时需要配置peer advertise encap-type srv6命令。
bgp 100
l2vpn-family evpn
peer RR advertise encap-type srv6
bgp 100
l2vpn-family evpn
peer PE advertise encap-type srv6
可以Wireshark抓取PE4发给RR的bgp update报文,查看bgp update里的evpn相关信息。
5.1 检查ISIS邻居关系是否建立
[PE1]dis isis peer
Peer information for ISIS(100)
System Id Interface Circuit Id State HoldTime Type PRI
P2* Eth3/0/0 0000000006 Up 26s L2 --
P3* Eth3/0/1 0000000006 Up 22s L2 --
Total Peer(s): 2
5.2 检查BGP EVPN邻居关系是否建立
[PE1]dis bgp evpn peer
BGP local router ID :
Local AS number : 100
Total number of peers : 2 Peers in established state : 2
Peer V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent OutQ Up/Down State PrefRcv
2001:2::1 4 100 322 318 0 04:32:44 Established 2
2001:3::1 4 100 321 320 0 04:33:46 Established 2
5.3 检查SRv6 本地Locator和SID信息
动态end和end.x SID由ISIS协议动态生成,可以配置auto-sid-disable关闭。
[PE1]display segment-routing ipv6 locator verbose
Locator Configuration Table
LocatorName : PE1 LocatorID : 1
IPv6Prefix : 3001:1:: PrefixLength : 80
Block : -- BlockLength : 0
NodeID : -- NodeIdLength : 0
ComprStaticLen: 0 StaticLength : 15
ArgsLength : 16 Reference : 3
Algorithm : 0 ComprDynLength: 0
AutoCSIDPoolID: 0
AutoCSIDBegin : --
AutoCSIDEnd : --
StaticCSIDBegin: --
StaticCSIDEnd : --
AutoSIDPoolID : 8193 DynLength : 17
AutoSIDBegin : 3001:1::8000:0
AutoSIDEnd : 3001:1::FFFF:FFFF:0
StaticSIDBegin: 3001:1::1:0
StaticSIDEnd : 3001:1::7FFF:0
GIB:LIB : --
Total Locator(s): 1
[PE1]dis segment-routing ipv6 local-sid forwarding
My Local-SID Forwarding Table
SID : 3001:1::10:0/128 FuncType : End
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
SID : 3001:1::12:0/128 FuncType : End.X
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
SID : 3001:1::13:0/128 FuncType : End.X
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
SID : 3001:1::4001:0/128 FuncType : End.DT4
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
SID : 3001:1::6001:0/128 FuncType : End.DT6
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
SID : 3001:1::7001:0/128 FuncType : End.OP
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
SID : 3001:1::8003:0/128 FuncType : End
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
SID : 3001:1::8004:0/128 FuncType : End
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
SID : 3001:1::8005:0/128 FuncType : End.X
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
SID : 3001:1::8006:0/128 FuncType : End.X
LocatorName: PE1 LocatorID: 1
SidCompress: NO
Total SID(s): 10
[PE1]dis segment-routing ipv6 local-sid end forwarding
My Local-SID End Forwarding Table
SID : 3001:1::10:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : PE1 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: STATIC ProcessID : --
UpdateTime : 2023-09-19 01:33:05.136
SID : 3001:1::8003:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : NO-FLAVOR SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : PE1 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-19 06:17:13.116
SID : 3001:1::8004:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP USP USD SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : PE1 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-19 06:17:13.116
Total SID(s): 3
5.4 检查ISIS通过LSP发送的SID信息
ISIS通过LSP(TLV)会发送locator,end,end.x等信息,可以检查ISIS LSDB查看相关信息。
[PE1]dis isis lsdb
Database information for ISIS(100)
Level-2 Link State Database
LSPID Seq Num Checksum HoldTime Length ATT/P/OL
PE1.00-00* 0x0000001d 0x6025 914 484 0/0/0
P2.00-00 0x0000001c 0xc674 1036 595 0/0/0
P3.00-00 0x00000020 0xebea 918 595 0/0/0
PE4.00-00 0x0000001f 0xa568 928 484 0/0/0
Total LSP(s): 4
*(In TLV)-Leaking Route, *(By LSPID)-Self LSP, +-Self LSP(Extended),
ATT-Attached, P-Partition, OL-Overload
[PE1]dis isis lsdb is-name PE1 verbose
Database information for ISIS(100)
Level-2 Link State Database
LSPID Seq Num Checksum HoldTime Length ATT/P/OL
1921.6800.1001.00-00* 0x0000001d 0x6025 851 484 0/0/0
AREA ADDR 49.0001
INTF ADDR V6 2001:1::1
INTF ADDR V6 2001:12::1
INTF ADDR V6 2001:13::1
Topology Standard, IPV6
+NBR ID P3.00 COST: 10
+NBR ID P2.00 COST: 10
+MT NBR ID P3.00 COST: 10 MT: 2 (IPV6) <---发送end.x
P2P-SRv6-X-Sid 3001:1::8005:0 B: 0 S: 0 P: 0 C: 0 Algorithm: 0 Weight: 0
Function: End.X Flavor: NO-FLAVOR
Block-Len: -- NodeID-Len: -- Func-Len: -- Args-Len: --
P2P-SRv6-X-Sid 3001:1::13:0 B: 0 S: 0 P: 1 C: 0 Algorithm: 0 Weight: 0
Function: End.X Flavor: PSP
Block-Len: -- NodeID-Len: -- Func-Len: -- Args-Len: --
+MT NBR ID P2.00 COST: 10 MT: 2 (IPV6)
P2P-SRv6-X-Sid 3001:1::8006:0 B: 0 S: 0 P: 0 C: 0 Algorithm: 0 Weight: 0
Function: End.X Flavor: NO-FLAVOR
Block-Len: -- NodeID-Len: -- Func-Len: -- Args-Len: --
P2P-SRv6-X-Sid 3001:1::12:0 B: 0 S: 0 P: 1 C: 0 Algorithm: 0 Weight: 0
Function: End.X Flavor: PSP
Block-Len: -- NodeID-Len: -- Func-Len: -- Args-Len: --
+IP-Extended COST: 0
+IP-Extended COST: 10
+IP-Extended COST: 10
IPV6 2001:1::1/128 COST: 0 MT: 2
IPV6 3001:1::/80 COST: 0 MT: 2 <--- locator路由
IPV6 2001:12::/64 COST: 10 MT: 2
IPV6 2001:13::/64 COST: 10 MT: 2
Router Cap D: 0 S: 0
Segment Routing IPv6 Cap O: 0 C: 0
Segment Routing MSD Max-SL: 10 Max-End-Pop: 11 Max-H-Ins: 10 Max-H-Encap: 10 Max-End-D: 11
Segment Routing IPv6 Router ID 2001:1::1
SRv6 Locator 3001:1::/80 MT: 2 Metric: 0 D: 0 Algorithm: 0 <--- 发送end
SRv6 End Sid 3001:1::10:0 C: 0
Function: End Flavor: PSP
Block-Len: -- NodeID-Len: -- Func-Len: -- Args-Len: --
SRv6 End Sid 3001:1::8003:0 C: 0
Function: End Flavor: NO-FLAVOR
Block-Len: -- NodeID-Len: -- Func-Len: -- Args-Len: --
SRv6 End Sid 3001:1::8004:0 C: 0
Function: End Flavor: PSP USP USD
Block-Len: -- NodeID-Len: -- Func-Len: -- Args-Len: --
Total LSP(s): 1
*(In TLV)-Leaking Route, *(By LSPID)-Self LSP, +-Self LSP(Extended),
ATT-Attached, P-Partition, OL-Overload
5.5 检查vpn路由在以evpn路由方式发送时携带的相关end.dt4或者end.dt6信息
在PE4检查172.20.1.0/24以及172:20:1::/64两条ipv4/ipv6 vpn路由对应的end.dt4, end.dt6信息:
[PE4]dis bgp evpn all routing-table
Local AS number : 100
BGP Local router ID is
Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - damped, x - best external, a - add path,
h - history, i - internal, s - suppressed, S - Stale
Origin : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
EVPN address family:
Number of Ip Prefix Routes: 6
Route Distinguisher: 100:1
Network(EthTagId/IpPrefix/IpPrefixLen) NextHop
*>i 0: 2001:1::1
* i 2001:1::1
*>i 0:[172:10:1::]:64 2001:1::1
* i 2001:1::1
Route Distinguisher: 100:2
Network(EthTagId/IpPrefix/IpPrefixLen) NextHop
*> 0:
*> 0:[172:20:1::]:64 ::
[PE4]display bgp evpn all routing-table prefix-route 0:
BGP local router ID :
Local AS number : 100
Total routes of Route Distinguisher(100:2): 1
BGP routing table entry information of 0: <--- vpnv4 route
Imported route.
From: (
Route Duration: 0d05h05m08s
Direct Out-interface: Ethernet3/0/0
Original nexthop:
Qos information : 0x0
Ext-Community: RT <100 : 100>
Prefix-sid: 3001:4::4001:0, Endpoint Behavior: 19 <--- end.dt4
AS-path Nil, origin incomplete, MED 0, pref-val 0, valid, local, best, select, pre 255
Route Type: 5 (Ip Prefix Route)
Ethernet Tag ID: 0, IP Prefix/Len:, ESI: 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000, GW IP Address:
Advertised to such 2 peers:
[PE4]display bgp evpn all routing-table prefix-route 0:[172:20:1::]:64
BGP local router ID :
Local AS number : 100
Total routes of Route Distinguisher(100:2): 1
BGP routing table entry information of 0:[172:20:1::]:64: <--- vpnv6 route
Imported route.
From: :: (
Route Duration: 0d05h05m01s
Direct Out-interface: Ethernet3/0/0
Original nexthop: 172:20:1::1
Qos information : 0x0
Ext-Community: RT <100 : 100>
Prefix-sid: 3001:4::6001:0, Endpoint Behavior: 18 <--- end.dt6
AS-path Nil, origin incomplete, MED 0, pref-val 0, valid, local, best, select, pre 255
Route Type: 5 (Ip Prefix Route)
Ethernet Tag ID: 0, IPv6 Prefix/Len: 172:20:1::/64, ESI: 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000, GW IPv6 Address: ::
Advertised to such 2 peers:
5.6 检查bgp evpn发送SRv6封装的evpn路由
抓取PE4发给RR的bgp update报文,并手工通过wireshark解析:
Frame 22: 394 bytes on wire (3152 bits), 394 bytes captured (3152 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 38:05:00:11:03:02 (38:05:00:11:03:02), Dst: 38:06:00:11:03:02 (38:06:00:11:03:02)
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: 2001:4::1, Dst: 2001:2::1
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 58530, Dst Port: 179, Seq: 65, Ack: 413, Len: 320
Border Gateway Protocol - UPDATE Message
Marker: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Length: 148
Type: UPDATE Message (2)
Withdrawn Routes Length: 0
Total Path Attribute Length: 125
Path attributes
Path Attribute - AS_PATH: empty
Path Attribute - MULTI_EXIT_DISC: 0
Path Attribute - LOCAL_PREF: 100
Flags: 0xc0, Optional, Transitive, Complete
Length: 8
Carried extended communities: (1 community)
Route Target: 100:100 [Transitive 2-Octet AS-Specific]
Path Attribute - BGP Prefix-SID
Flags: 0xd0, Optional, Transitive, Extended-Length, Complete
1... .... = Optional: Set
.1.. .... = Transitive: Set
..0. .... = Partial: Not set
...1 .... = Extended-Length: Set
.... 0000 = Unused: 0x0
Type Code: BGP Prefix-SID (40)
Length: 28
SRv6 L3 Service
Type: SRv6 L3 Service (5)
Length: 25
Reserved: 00
SRv6 Service Sub-TLVs
SRv6 Service Sub-TLV - SRv6 SID Information
Type: SRv6 SID Information (1)
Length: 21
Reserved: 00
SRv6 SID Value: 3001:4::4001:0
SRv6 SID Flags: 0x00
SRv6 Endpoint Behavior: End.DT4 (0x0013)
Reserved: 00
SRv6 Service Data Sub-Sub-TLVs
Path Attribute - MP_REACH_NLRI
Flags: 0x90, Optional, Extended-Length, Non-transitive, Complete
Type Code: MP_REACH_NLRI (14)
Length: 57
Address family identifier (AFI): Layer-2 VPN (25)
Subsequent address family identifier (SAFI): EVPN (70)
Next hop: 2001:4::1
IPv6 Address: 2001:4::1
Number of Subnetwork points of attachment (SNPA): 0
Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI)
EVPN NLRI: IP Prefix route
Route Type: IP Prefix route (5)
Length: 34
Route Distinguisher: 0000006400000002 (100:2)
ESI: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
Ethernet Tag ID: 0
IP prefix length: 24
IPv4 address:
IPv4 Gateway address:
MPLS Label Stack: 3 (bottom)
MPLS Label: 493 (bottom)
Border Gateway Protocol - UPDATE Message
Marker: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Length: 172
Type: UPDATE Message (2)
Withdrawn Routes Length: 0
Total Path Attribute Length: 149
Path attributes
Path Attribute - AS_PATH: empty
Path Attribute - MULTI_EXIT_DISC: 0
Path Attribute - LOCAL_PREF: 100
Flags: 0xc0, Optional, Transitive, Complete
Length: 8
Carried extended communities: (1 community)
Route Target: 100:100 [Transitive 2-Octet AS-Specific]
Path Attribute - BGP Prefix-SID
Flags: 0xd0, Optional, Transitive, Extended-Length, Complete
Type Code: BGP Prefix-SID (40)
Length: 28
SRv6 L3 Service
Type: SRv6 L3 Service (5)
Length: 25
Reserved: 00
SRv6 Service Sub-TLVs
SRv6 Service Sub-TLV - SRv6 SID Information
Type: SRv6 SID Information (1)
Length: 21
Reserved: 00
SRv6 SID Value: 3001:4::6001:0
SRv6 SID Flags: 0x00
SRv6 Endpoint Behavior: End.DT6 (0x0012)
Reserved: 00
SRv6 Service Data Sub-Sub-TLVs
Path Attribute - MP_REACH_NLRI
Flags: 0x90, Optional, Extended-Length, Non-transitive, Complete
Type Code: MP_REACH_NLRI (14)
Length: 81
Address family identifier (AFI): Layer-2 VPN (25)
Subsequent address family identifier (SAFI): EVPN (70)
Next hop: 2001:4::1
IPv6 Address: 2001:4::1
Number of Subnetwork points of attachment (SNPA): 0
Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI)
EVPN NLRI: IP Prefix route
Route Type: IP Prefix route (5)
Length: 58
Route Distinguisher: 0000006400000002 (100:2)
ESI: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
Ethernet Tag ID: 0
IP prefix length: 64
IPv6 address: 172:20:1::
IPv6 Gateway address: ::
MPLS Label Stack: 3 (bottom)
MPLS Label: 493 (bottom)
六、SRv6 BE测试
6.1 测试拓扑
6.2 测试说明
前面的配置完成后,由于还没有进行SRv6 TE Policy配置,此时CE1 ping CE2的流量将迭代到SRv6 BE。
6.3 测试步骤
6.3.1 检查VPN路由
PE1检查vpn路由172.20.1.0/24和172:20:1::0/64已经迭代到SRv6 BE,并且直接以end.dt4/end.dt6为下一跳地址。
[PE1]display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Route Flags: R - relay, D - download to fib, T - to vpn-instance, B - black hole route
Routing Table : vpn1
Destinations : 6 Routes : 6
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost Flags NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0 Direct 0 0 D Ethernet3/0/2 Direct 0 0 D Ethernet3/0/2 Direct 0 0 D Ethernet3/0/2 IBGP 255 0 RD 3001:4::4001:0 SRv6 BE Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0
[PE1]display ipv6 routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Routing Table : vpn1
Destinations : 4 Routes : 4
Destination : 172:10:1:: PrefixLength : 64
NextHop : 172:10:1::1 Preference : 0
Cost : 0 Protocol : Direct
RelayNextHop : :: TunnelID : 0x0
Interface : Ethernet3/0/2 Flags : D
Destination : 172:10:1::1 PrefixLength : 128
NextHop : ::1 Preference : 0
Cost : 0 Protocol : Direct
RelayNextHop : :: TunnelID : 0x0
Interface : Ethernet3/0/2 Flags : D
Destination : 172:20:1:: PrefixLength : 64
NextHop : 3001:4::6001:0 Preference : 255
Cost : 0 Protocol : IBGP
RelayNextHop : 3001:4::6001:0 TunnelID : 0x0
Interface : SRv6 BE Flags : RD
Destination : FE80:: PrefixLength : 10
NextHop : :: Preference : 0
Cost : 0 Protocol : Direct
RelayNextHop : :: TunnelID : 0x0
Interface : NULL0 Flags : DB
6.3.2 Ping测试
从CE1 ping CE2。
Welcome to use PC Simulators!
PC> ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=86.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=93.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=62 time=83.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=62 time=75.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=62 time=102 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4008ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 75.325/88.263/102.382/9.085 ms
PC> ping 172:20:1::10
PING 172:20:1::10(172:20:1::10) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 172:20:1::10: icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=123 ms
64 bytes from 172:20:1::10: icmp_seq=2 ttl=62 time=66.6 ms
64 bytes from 172:20:1::10: icmp_seq=3 ttl=62 time=147 ms
64 bytes from 172:20:1::10: icmp_seq=4 ttl=62 time=90.6 ms
--- 172:20:1::10 ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3019ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 66.587/106.560/146.528/30.443 ms
6.3.3 检查SRv6 BE封装格式
CE1 ping CE2时,在PE1,抓取PE1和P1、P2连接的端口报文,并手工通过wireshark解析。
这里以CE1 ping CE2地址172.20.1.10进行抓包。
Frame 1: 138 bytes on wire (1104 bits), 138 bytes captured (1104 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 38:05:00:11:03:00 (38:05:00:11:03:00), Dst: 38:07:00:11:03:01 (38:07:00:11:03:01)
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: 2001:1::1, Dst: 3001:4::4001:0
0110 .... = Version: 6
.... 1111 1111 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic Class: 0xff (DSCP: Unknown, ECN: CE)
.... 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = Flow Label: 0x00001
Payload Length: 84
Next Header: IPIP (4)
Hop Limit: 254
Source Address: 2001:1::1
Destination Address: 3001:4::4001:0 <---end.dt4地址作为目的地址
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
0100 .... = Version: 4
.... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)
Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP: CS0, ECN: Not-ECT)
Total Length: 84
Identification: 0x0cbe (3262)
010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment
...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0
Time to Live: 63
Protocol: ICMP (1)
Header Checksum: 0xd4b8 [validation disabled]
[Header checksum status: Unverified]
Source Address:
Destination Address:
Internet Control Message Protocol
七、SRv6 TE Policy测试
7.1 测试拓扑
7.2 测试说明
PE1配置1条SRv6 TE Policy,命名为policy1
PE1接收EVPN路由172.20.1.0时对此路由进行染色,通过color引流的方式,将CE1 ping CE2的业务流量引入SRv6 TE Policy policy1
为简化测试,只在PE1配置SRv6 TE Policy,所以CE1 Ping CE2时,CE1去往CE2方向的流量会走SRv6 TE Policy,CE2返回CE1方向的流量走SRv6 BE
7.3 测试步骤
7.3.1 查看End SID信息
<PE1>dis segment-routing ipv6 local-sid end forwarding
My Local-SID End Forwarding Table
SID : 3001:1::10:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : PE1 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: STATIC ProcessID : --
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 09:48:00.553
SID : 3001:1::8021:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : NO-FLAVOR SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : PE1 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 09:58:13.667
SID : 3001:1::8022:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP USP USD SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : PE1 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 09:58:13.667
Total SID(s): 3
[P2]dis segment-routing ipv6 local-sid end forwarding
My Local-SID End Forwarding Table
SID : 3001:2::10:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : P2 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: STATIC ProcessID : --
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 09:49:30.230
SID : 3001:2::8024:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : NO-FLAVOR SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : P2 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 09:59:43.963
SID : 3001:2::8025:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP USP USD SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : P2 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 09:59:43.963
Total SID(s): 3
[P3]display segment-routing ipv6 local-sid end forwarding
My Local-SID End Forwarding Table
SID : 3001:3::10:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : P3 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: STATIC ProcessID : --
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 09:47:17.136
SID : 3001:3::8021:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : NO-FLAVOR SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : P3 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 10:01:22.990
SID : 3001:3::8022:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP USP USD SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : P3 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 10:01:22.990
Total SID(s): 3
[PE4]dis segment-routing ipv6 local-sid end forwarding
My Local-SID End Forwarding Table
SID : 3001:4::10:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : PE4 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: STATIC ProcessID : --
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 09:47:29.087
SID : 3001:4::8000:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : NO-FLAVOR SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : PE4 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 10:01:43.051
SID : 3001:4::8001:0/128 FuncType : End
Flavor : PSP USP USD SidCompress : NO
LocatorName : PE4 LocatorID : 1
ProtocolType: ISIS ProcessID : 100
UpdateTime : 2023-09-23 10:01:43.051
Total SID(s): 3
7.3.2 配置SRv6 TE Policy
segment-routing ipv6
segment-list list1
index 5 sid ipv6 3001:2::10:0
index 10 sid ipv6 3001:4::10:0
srv6-te policy policy1 endpoint 2001:4::1 color 101
candidate-path preference 100
segment-list list1
7.3.3 查看SRv6 TE Policy信息
[PE1]display srv6-te policy policy-name policy1
PolicyName : policy1
Color : 101 Endpoint : 2001:4::1
TunnelId : 3 Binding SID : -
TunnelType : SRv6-TE Policy DelayTimerRemain : -
Policy State : Up State Change Time : 2023-09-23 09:49:57
Admin State : Up Traffic Statistics : Disable
Backup Hot-Standby : Disable BFD : Disable
Interface Index : - Interface Name : -
Interface State : - Encapsulation Mode : Insert
Candidate-path Count : 1
Candidate-path Preference : 100
Path State : Active Path Type : Primary
Protocol-Origin : Configuration(30) Originator : 0,
Discriminator : 100 Binding SID : -
GroupId : 3 Policy Name : policy1
Template ID : 0 Path Verification : Enable
DelayTimerRemain : - Network Slice ID : -
Segment-List Count : 1
Segment-List : list1
Segment-List ID : 3 XcIndex : 3
List State : Up DelayTimerRemain : -
Verification State : Up SuppressTimeRemain : -
PMTU : 9600 Active PMTU : 9600
Weight : 1 BFD State : -
Network Slice ID : -
Binding SID : -
Reverse Binding SID : -
7.3.4 配置Color引流
在PE1,对172.20.1.0/24 BGP 路由染色,color为101
#配置对BGP VPN路由进行染色
route-policy p1 permit node 10
if-match ip-prefix 1
apply extcommunity color 0:101
route-policy p1 permit node 20
ip ip-prefix 1 index 10 permit 24
bgp 100
l2vpn-family evpn
peer RR route-policy p1 import
tunnel-policy tnl-1
tunnel select-seq ipv6 srv6-te-policy load-balance-number 1
ip vpn-instance vpn1
tnl-policy tnl-1 evpn
tnl-policy tnl-1 evpn
7.3.5 查看BGP EVPN路由
[PE1]dis bgp evpn all routing-table
Local AS number : 100
BGP Local router ID is
Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - damped, x - best external, a - add path,
h - history, i - internal, s - suppressed, S - Stale
Origin : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
EVPN address family:
Number of Ip Prefix Routes: 8
Route Distinguisher: 100:1
Network(EthTagId/IpPrefix/IpPrefixLen) NextHop
*> 0:
*> 0:[172:10:1::]:64 ::
Route Distinguisher: 100:2
Network(EthTagId/IpPrefix/IpPrefixLen) NextHop
*>i 0: 2001:4::1
* i 2001:4::1
*>i 0: 2001:4::1
* i 2001:4::1
*>i 0:[172:20:1::]:64 2001:4::1
* i 2001:4::1
[PE1]display bgp evpn all routing-table prefix-route 0:
BGP local router ID :
Local AS number : 100
Total routes of Route Distinguisher(100:2): 2
BGP routing table entry information of 0:
Label information (Received/Applied): 3/NULL
From: 2001:2::1 (
Route Duration: 0d00h16m42s
Relay IP Nexthop: FE80::3A06:FF:FE11:301
Relay IP Out-Interface: Ethernet3/0/0
Relay Tunnel Out-Interface:
Original nexthop: 2001:4::1
Qos information : 0x0
Ext-Community: RT <100 : 100>, Color <0 : 101>
Prefix-sid: 3001:4::4001:0, Endpoint Behavior: 19
AS-path Nil, origin incomplete, MED 0, localpref 100, pref-val 0, valid, internal, best, select, pre 255, IGP cost 20
Cluster list:
Route Type: 5 (Ip Prefix Route)
Ethernet Tag ID: 0, IP Prefix/Len:, ESI: 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000, GW IP Address:
Not advertised to any peer yet
BGP routing table entry information of 0:
Label information (Received/Applied): 3/NULL
From: 2001:3::1 (
Route Duration: 0d00h18m04s
Relay IP Nexthop: FE80::3A06:FF:FE11:301
Relay IP Out-Interface: Ethernet3/0/0
Relay Tunnel Out-Interface:
Original nexthop: 2001:4::1
Qos information : 0x0
Ext-Community: RT <100 : 100>, Color <0 : 101>
Prefix-sid: 3001:4::4001:0, Endpoint Behavior: 19
AS-path Nil, origin incomplete, MED 0, localpref 100, pref-val 0, valid, internal, pre 255, IGP cost 20, not preferred for peer address
Cluster list:
Route Type: 5 (Ip Prefix Route)
Ethernet Tag ID: 0, IP Prefix/Len:, ESI: 0000.0000.0000.0000.0000, GW IP Address:
Not advertised to any peer yet
7.3.6 查看BGP VPN路由
[PE1]dis bgp vpnv4 vpn-instance vpn1 routing-table
BGP Local router ID is
Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - damped, x - best external, a - add path,
h - history, i - internal, s - suppressed, S - Stale
Origin : i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
RPKI validation codes: V - valid, I - invalid, N - not-found
VPN-Instance vpn1, Router ID
Total Number of Routes: 7
Network NextHop MED LocPrf PrefVal Path/Ogn
*> 0 0 ?
*> 0 0 ?
*> 0 0 ?
*>i 2001:4::1 0 100 0 ?
* i 2001:4::1 0 100 0 ?
*>i 2001:4::1 0 100 0 ?
* i 2001:4::1 0 100 0 ?
[PE1]display bgp vpnv4 vpn-instance vpn1 routing-table
BGP local router ID :
Local AS number : 100
VPN-Instance vpn1, Router ID
Paths: 2 available, 1 best, 1 select, 0 best-external, 0 add-path
BGP routing table entry information of
Route Distinguisher: 100:2
Remote-Cross route
Evpn route: Type 5, ip-prefix
Label information (Received/Applied): 3/NULL
From: 2001:2::1 (
Route Duration: 0d00h18m27s
Relay IP Nexthop: FE80::3A06:FF:FE11:301
Relay IP Out-Interface: Ethernet3/0/0
Relay Tunnel Out-Interface: policy1(srv6tepolicy)
Original nexthop: 2001:4::1
Qos information : 0x0
Ext-Community: RT <100 : 100>, Color <0 : 101>
Prefix-sid: 3001:4::4001:0, Endpoint Behavior: 19
AS-path Nil, origin incomplete, MED 0, localpref 100, pref-val 0, valid, internal, best, select, pre 255
Cluster list:
Not advertised to any peer yet
BGP routing table entry information of
Route Distinguisher: 100:2
Remote-Cross route
Evpn route: Type 5, ip-prefix
Label information (Received/Applied): 3/NULL
From: 2001:3::1 (
Route Duration: 0d00h18m27s
Relay IP Nexthop: FE80::3A06:FF:FE11:301
Relay IP Out-Interface: Ethernet3/0/0
Relay Tunnel Out-Interface: policy1(srv6tepolicy)
Original nexthop: 2001:4::1
Qos information : 0x0
Ext-Community: RT <100 : 100>, Color <0 : 101>
Prefix-sid: 3001:4::4001:0, Endpoint Behavior: 19
AS-path Nil, origin incomplete, MED 0, localpref 100, pref-val 0, valid, internal, pre 255, not preferred for peer address
Cluster list:
Not advertised to any peer yet
7.3.7 查看VPN实例vpn1的路由
查看VPN实例IPv4路由表信息,可以看到私网路由已经成功迭代到SRv6 TE Policy。
[PE1]display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Route Flags: R - relay, D - download to fib, T - to vpn-instance, B - black hole route
Routing Table : vpn1
Destinations : 7 Routes : 7
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost Flags NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0 Direct 0 0 D Ethernet3/0/2 Direct 0 0 D Ethernet3/0/2 Direct 0 0 D Ethernet3/0/2 IBGP 255 0 RD 2001:4::1 policy1 IBGP 255 0 RD 2001:4::1 SRv6-TE Flow Group Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0
[PE1]display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1 verbose
Route Flags: R - relay, D - download to fib, T - to vpn-instance, B - black hole route
Routing Table : vpn1
Summary Count : 1
Protocol: IBGP Process ID: 0
Preference: 255 Cost: 0
NextHop: 2001:4::1 Neighbour: 2001:2::1
State: Active Adv Relied Age: 00h20m50s
Tag: 0 Priority: low
Label: NULL QoSInfo: 0x0
IndirectID: 0x10000B0 Instance:
RelayNextHop: :: Interface: policy1
TunnelID: 0x000000003400000003 Flags: RD
RouteColor: 0
7.3.8 Ping测试
CE1 ping CE2。

7.3.9 查看SRv6 TE Policy报文格式
CE1 ping CE2时,在PE1-Eth3/0/0、P2-Eth3/0/2抓取报文,并手工通过wireshark解析,查看SRH信息及IPv6目的地址的变化。
Frame 2: 194 bytes on wire (1552 bits), 194 bytes captured (1552 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 38:03:00:11:03:00 (38:03:00:11:03:00), Dst: 38:04:00:11:03:01 (38:04:00:11:03:01)
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: ::, Dst: 3001:2::10:0
0110 .... = Version: 6
.... 1111 1111 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic Class: 0xff (DSCP: Unknown, ECN: CE)
.... 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = Flow Label: 0x00001
Payload Length: 140
Next Header: Routing Header for IPv6 (43)
Hop Limit: 63
Source Address: ::
Destination Address: 3001:2::10:0
Routing Header for IPv6 (Segment Routing)
Next Header: IPIP (4)
Length: 6
[Length: 56 bytes]
Type: Segment Routing (4)
Segments Left: 2 <---------------待执行的SID数量
Last Entry: 2
Flags: 0x00
Tag: 0000
Address[0]: 3001:4::4001:0
Address[1]: 3001:4::10:0
Address[2]: 3001:2::10:0 <------------正在执行的SID
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Internet Control Message Protocol
Frame 2: 194 bytes on wire (1552 bits), 194 bytes captured (1552 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 38:04:00:11:03:02 (38:04:00:11:03:02), Dst: 38:05:00:11:03:02 (38:05:00:11:03:02)
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: ::, Dst: 3001:4::10:0
0110 .... = Version: 6
.... 1111 1111 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic Class: 0xff (DSCP: Unknown, ECN: CE)
.... 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = Flow Label: 0x00001
Payload Length: 140
Next Header: Routing Header for IPv6 (43)
Hop Limit: 62
Source Address: ::
Destination Address: 3001:4::10:0
Routing Header for IPv6 (Segment Routing)
Next Header: IPIP (4)
Length: 6
[Length: 56 bytes]
Type: Segment Routing (4)
Segments Left: 1 <---------------待执行的SID数量
Last Entry: 2
Flags: 0x00
Tag: 0000
Address[0]: 3001:4::4001:0
Address[1]: 3001:4::10:0 <------------正在执行的SID
Address[2]: 3001:2::10:0
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Internet Control Message Protocol
八、SRv6 TE Flow Group测试
8.1 测试拓扑
8.2 测试说明
PE1配置2条SRv6 TE Policy,命名为policy10(color10)、policy11(color11)
PE4 vpn1配置测试loopback100、loopback101,用于ping测试
PE1配置Mapping policy,用于DSCP引流
PE1接收EVPN路由172.30.0.0/16时对此路由进行染色,通过DSCP引流的方式,将业务流量引入动态创建的SRv6 TE Flow Group
由于目前模拟路由器不支持DSCP标记,在CE1 ping 测试时,设置相应DSCP(支持linux ping)
CE1 ping相同网段(的不同地址,PE1根据DSCP,选择不同的SRv6 TE Policy进行传输
8.3 测试步骤
8.3.1 配置SRv6 TE Policy
segment-routing ipv6
segment-list list10
index 5 sid ipv6 3001:2::10:0
index 10 sid ipv6 3001:4::10:0
segment-list list11
index 5 sid ipv6 3001:3::10:0
index 10 sid ipv6 3001:4::10:0
srv6-te policy policy10 endpoint 2001:4::1 color 10
binding-sid 3001:1::90:0
candidate-path preference 100
segment-list list10
srv6-te policy policy11 endpoint 2001:4::1 color 11
binding-sid 3001:1::91:0
candidate-path preference 100
segment-list list11
8.3.2 查看SRv6 TE Policy信息
[PE1]display srv6-te policy
PolicyName : policy10
Color : 10 Endpoint : 2001:4::1
TunnelId : 1 Binding SID : 3001:1::90:0(Insert)
TunnelType : SRv6-TE Policy DelayTimerRemain : -
Policy State : Up State Change Time : 2023-09-27 04:56:39
Admin State : Up Traffic Statistics : Disable
Backup Hot-Standby : Disable BFD : Disable
Interface Index : - Interface Name : -
Interface State : - Encapsulation Mode : Insert
Candidate-path Count : 1
Candidate-path Preference : 100
Path State : Active Path Type : Primary
Protocol-Origin : Configuration(30) Originator : 0,
Discriminator : 100 Binding SID : 3001:1::90:0
GroupId : 1 Policy Name : policy10
Template ID : 0 Path Verification : Enable
DelayTimerRemain : - Network Slice ID : -
Segment-List Count : 1
Segment-List : list10
Segment-List ID : 1 XcIndex : 2
List State : Up DelayTimerRemain : -
Verification State : Up SuppressTimeRemain : -
PMTU : 9600 Active PMTU : 9600
Weight : 1 BFD State : -
Network Slice ID : -
Binding SID : -
Reverse Binding SID : -
PolicyName : policy11
Color : 11 Endpoint : 2001:4::1
TunnelId : 2 Binding SID : 3001:1::91:0(Insert)
TunnelType : SRv6-TE Policy DelayTimerRemain : -
Policy State : Up State Change Time : 2023-09-27 04:54:41
Admin State : Up Traffic Statistics : Disable
Backup Hot-Standby : Disable BFD : Disable
Interface Index : - Interface Name : -
Interface State : - Encapsulation Mode : Insert
Candidate-path Count : 1
Candidate-path Preference : 100
Path State : Active Path Type : Primary
Protocol-Origin : Configuration(30) Originator : 0,
Discriminator : 100 Binding SID : 3001:1::91:0
GroupId : 2 Policy Name : policy11
Template ID : 0 Path Verification : Enable
DelayTimerRemain : - Network Slice ID : -
Segment-List Count : 1
Segment-List : list11
Segment-List ID : 2 XcIndex : 1
List State : Up DelayTimerRemain : -
Verification State : Up SuppressTimeRemain : -
PMTU : 9600 Active PMTU : 9600
Weight : 1 BFD State : -
Network Slice ID : -
Binding SID : -
Reverse Binding SID : -
8.3.3 配置测试Loopback地址
interface LoopBack100
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
interface LoopBack101
ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
ip address
8.3.4 发布VPN路由
PE4上,bgp ipv4 vpn实例vpn1在引入直连路由时,不引入loopback100/loopback101直连路由,通过引入静态路由方式,引入172.30.0.0/16,并发给PE1,这样做的目的是:PE1的vpn1都通过172.30.0.0/16访问172.30.1.1和172.30.2.1,并通过dscp对应不同的小color,迭代到不同的policy转发路径。
bgp 100
ipv4-family vpn-instance vpn1
import-route direct route-policy p1
import-route static
route-policy p1 permit node 10
if-match interface Ethernet3/0/0 (只允许局域端口的直连路由)
ip route-static vpn-instance vpn1 NULL0
执行完以上步骤后,在PE1用以下命令查看,未染色之前,走SRv6 BE路径:
[PE1]display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
8.3.5 配置SRv6 Mapping Policy 功能说明
通过配置SRv6 Mapping Policy,设备利用业务路由(即VPN路由或私网路由)Color属性去匹配相同Color的SRv6 Mapping Policy,如果SRv6 Mapping Policy存在,则设备动态生成一个SRv6 TE Flow Group,供业务转发使用。该SRv6 TE Flow Group里存在多个Color属性不同,但EndPoint相同的SRv6 TE Policy。 DSCP说明 配置Mapping policy
segment-routing ipv6
mapping-policy p1 color 1000
match-type dscp
index 100 dscp ipv4 26 match srv6-te-policy color 10
index 200 dscp ipv4 18 match srv6-te-policy color 11
8.3.6 配置DSCP引流
route-policy p1 permit node 20
if-match ip-prefix 2
apply extcommunity color 0:1000
route-policy p1 permit node 30
ip ip-prefix 1 index 10 permit 24
ip ip-prefix 2 index 10 permit 16
tunnel-policy tnl-1
tunnel select-seq ipv6 srv6-te-policy load-balance-number 1
tunnel-policy tnl-2
tunnel select-seq ipv6 srv6-te-flow-group srv6-te-policy load-balance-number 1 unmix
ip vpn-instance vpn1
tnl-policy tnl-2 evpn
8.3.7 查看SRv6 TE Flow Group信息
[PE1]display srv6-te flow-group
SRv6-TE Flow Group Information
Group Name :
Color : 1000 Endpoint : 2001:4::1
Group Tunnel ID : 4 Group Tunnel Type : SRv6-TE Flow Group
Group Tunnel State : Up State Change Time : 2023-09-27 04:54:43
Interface Index : - Interface Name : -
Interface State : -
Delay Timer Remain : - UP/ALL Num : 2/2
Index : 100 AfType : IPv4
DSCP : 26
Match Tunnel : SRv6-TE Policy State : Up
Color : 10 Tunnel Id : 1
Index : 200 AfType : IPv4
DSCP : 18
Match Tunnel : SRv6-TE Policy State : Up
Color : 11 Tunnel Id : 2
8.3.8 查看VPN实例vpn1的路由
查看VPN实例IPv4路由表信息,可以看到私网路由已经成功迭代到SRv6 TE Flow Group。
[PE1]display ip routing-table vpn-instance vpn1
Route Flags: R - relay, D - download to fib, T - to vpn-instance, B - black hole route
Routing Table : vpn1
Destinations : 7 Routes : 7
Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost Flags NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0 Direct 0 0 D Ethernet3/0/2 Direct 0 0 D Ethernet3/0/2 Direct 0 0 D Ethernet3/0/2 IBGP 255 0 RD 2001:4::1 policy1 IBGP 255 0 RD 2001:4::1 SRv6-TE Flow Group Direct 0 0 D InLoopBack0
8.3.9 Ping测试 测试说明
由于目前ENSP Pro的NE路由器版本不支持QoS,所以在PC侧设置DSCP值。
ping -Q 104 (设置DSCP为26,即AF31)
ping -Q 72 (设置DSCP为18(010010),即AF21, 计算方式:IP ToS为1个字节,共8个bit, 7到2bit位为:010010,补充1-0bit位:00,01001000换算10进制为72) 查看DSCP是否正确设置
CE1 ping测试时,在PE1-Eth3/0/2抓包,查看DSCP是否正确设置。
ping -Q 104 (设置DSCP为26(AF31)),抓包结果符合预期:
Frame 1: 98 bytes on wire (784 bits), 98 bytes captured (784 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: b2:e0:61:ae:0e:be (b2:e0:61:ae:0e:be), Dst: 38:03:00:11:03:02 (38:03:00:11:03:02)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
0100 .... = Version: 4
.... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)
Differentiated Services Field: 0x68 (DSCP: AF31, ECN: Not-ECT)
0110 10.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Assured Forwarding 31 (26)
.... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)
Total Length: 84
Identification: 0xe123 (57635)
010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment
...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0
Time to Live: 64
Protocol: ICMP (1)
Header Checksum: 0xfee9 [validation disabled]
[Header checksum status: Unverified]
Source Address:
Destination Address:
Internet Control Message Protocol
ping -Q 72 (设置DSCP为18(AF21)),抓包结果符合预期:
Frame 1: 98 bytes on wire (784 bits), 98 bytes captured (784 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: b2:e0:61:ae:0e:be (b2:e0:61:ae:0e:be), Dst: 38:03:00:11:03:02 (38:03:00:11:03:02)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
0100 .... = Version: 4
.... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)
Differentiated Services Field: 0x48 (DSCP: AF21, ECN: Not-ECT)
0100 10.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Assured Forwarding 21 (18)
.... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)
Total Length: 84
Identification: 0x21f7 (8695)
010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment
...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0
Time to Live: 64
Protocol: ICMP (1)
Header Checksum: 0xbd36 [validation disabled]
[Header checksum status: Unverified]
Source Address:
Destination Address:
Internet Control Message Protocol CE1 ping -Q 104
在PE1-3/0/0和3/0/1同时抓包,结果能正常ping通,3/0/0能抓到发出的包,3/0/1没有抓到发出的包。经过抓包分析,此数据流通过SRv6 TE Policy policy10传输,符合预期:
Frame 2: 194 bytes on wire (1552 bits), 194 bytes captured (1552 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 38:03:00:11:03:00 (38:03:00:11:03:00), Dst: 38:06:00:11:03:01 (38:06:00:11:03:01)
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: ::, Dst: 3001:2::10:0
0110 .... = Version: 6
.... 1111 1111 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic Class: 0xff (DSCP: Unknown, ECN: CE)
.... 1111 11.. .... .... .... .... .... = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Unknown (63)
.... .... ..11 .... .... .... .... .... = Explicit Congestion Notification: Congestion Experienced (3)
.... 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = Flow Label: 0x00001
Payload Length: 140
Next Header: Routing Header for IPv6 (43)
Hop Limit: 63
Source Address: ::
Destination Address: 3001:2::10:0
Routing Header for IPv6 (Segment Routing)
Next Header: IPIP (4)
Length: 6
[Length: 56 bytes]
Type: Segment Routing (4)
Segments Left: 2
Last Entry: 2
Flags: 0x00
Tag: 0000
Address[0]: 3001:4::4001:0
Address[1]: 3001:4::10:0
Address[2]: 3001:2::10:0
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
0100 .... = Version: 4
.... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)
Differentiated Services Field: 0x68 (DSCP: AF31, ECN: Not-ECT)
0110 10.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Assured Forwarding 31 (26)
.... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)
Total Length: 84
Identification: 0xac39 (44089)
010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment
...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0
Time to Live: 63
Protocol: ICMP (1)
Header Checksum: 0x34d4 [validation disabled]
[Header checksum status: Unverified]
Source Address:
Destination Address:
Internet Control Message Protocol CE1 ping -Q 72
在PE1-3/0/0和3/0/1同时抓包,结果能正常ping通,3/0/1能抓到发出的包,3/0/0没有抓到发出的包。经过抓包分析,此数据流通过SRv6 TE Policy policy11传输,符合预期:
Frame 2: 194 bytes on wire (1552 bits), 194 bytes captured (1552 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 38:03:00:11:03:01 (38:03:00:11:03:01), Dst: 38:02:00:11:03:01 (38:02:00:11:03:01)
Destination: 38:02:00:11:03:01 (38:02:00:11:03:01)
Source: 38:03:00:11:03:01 (38:03:00:11:03:01)
Type: IPv6 (0x86dd)
Internet Protocol Version 6, Src: ::, Dst: 3001:3::10:0
0110 .... = Version: 6
.... 1111 1111 .... .... .... .... .... = Traffic Class: 0xff (DSCP: Unknown, ECN: CE)
.... 1111 11.. .... .... .... .... .... = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Unknown (63)
.... .... ..11 .... .... .... .... .... = Explicit Congestion Notification: Congestion Experienced (3)
.... 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 = Flow Label: 0x00001
Payload Length: 140
Next Header: Routing Header for IPv6 (43)
Hop Limit: 63
Source Address: ::
Destination Address: 3001:3::10:0
Routing Header for IPv6 (Segment Routing)
Next Header: IPIP (4)
Length: 6
[Length: 56 bytes]
Type: Segment Routing (4)
Segments Left: 2
Last Entry: 2
Flags: 0x00
Tag: 0000
Address[0]: 3001:4::4001:0
Address[1]: 3001:4::10:0
Address[2]: 3001:3::10:0
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
0100 .... = Version: 4
.... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5)
Differentiated Services Field: 0x48 (DSCP: AF21, ECN: Not-ECT)
0100 10.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Assured Forwarding 21 (18)
.... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0)
Total Length: 84
Identification: 0x3819 (14361)
010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment
...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0
Time to Live: 63
Protocol: ICMP (1)
Header Checksum: 0xa814 [validation disabled]
[Header checksum status: Unverified]
Source Address:
Destination Address:
Internet Control Message Protocol